The gentlemen of the Delta Omega Nu fraternity draw a diverse group of members from all across the Augustana community. You can find DONs proudly wearing their letters in every activity they are involved in ranging from various leadership positions to walking around campus. The members of Delta Omega Nu hold leadership positions in a diverse amount of groups such as: OSA, MPB, Greek Council, varsity and club sports, choir and orchestra. Not only are DONs involved on campus, but they voluntarily involve themselves in service projects as well as explore the diverse community of the Quad Cities. DONs view academic scholarship and intramural sports with the utmost pride, thus are frequent IM champions and consistently have the highest Greek GPA.
Nickname: DONs
Greek Letters: ΔΩΝ
Founded: January 30, 1947
Colors: Maroon
Symbol: Buccaneer
Advisor: Dr. Greg Domski
President: Nicholas Weilbaker
Vice President: Jorge Mendez
Secretary: Joey Ruffatto
Treasurer: Logan Farley
Recruitment: Alex Ferruzza, Mason Zaccardi
Greek Council Rep: Zachary Vandigriff
Social: Brayden Atkisson, Lucas Teng
Scholarship: Amine Slaoui
Sustainability: Zach Horve
Ethics: Joey Ruffato, Lucas Teng
Service: Sean Halloran, Nathan Mesina
GAMMA / Risk Management: Carter Reynolds
Technology: Luke Heinrichs
Public Relations: Kaden Micklos
Diversity: Anthony Silva