Since 1965, Delta Chi Theta has had the honor of providing its members with countless opportunities in leadership, scholarship, and friendship. Delta Chi Theta is committed to academic excellence, community involvement, and personal growth. Delta Chi’s are active in over 100 different organizations on campus, including the Office of Student Activities, athletic teams, Greek Council, Student Alumni Board, and Student Government. As a group, we enjoy participating in service activities such as: Make a Difference Monday, Toys for Tots, Relay for Life, and Dance Marathon. We also look forward to our annual carwash to raise money to purchase books for students in need. Delta Chi sisters take pride in being genuine girls who uphold Delta Chi’s commitment to dignity and honor amongst all members.
Nickname: D-Chis
Greek Letters: ΔΧΘ
Founded: March 8, 1965
Colors: Green and Pink
Symbol: Ladybug
Motto: If You Are In Something Worthwhile, Then It Is Everlasting
Advisor: Angela Normoyle
President: Katey Clark
Vice President: Elizabeth Considine
Secretary: Zoe Altamore, Gracie Ruiz
Treasurer: Faith Jackson
Diversity: Sandi Pfeil
Recruitment: Sydney Krueger, Maya Lewis
Greek Council Rep: Caitlin Chiavola
Social: Claudia Bucholz, Morgan Bielfedt
Scholarship: Isabella Olalde
Service: Isabella Olalde, Neleigh Rush
GAMMA: Kenna Frank
Risk Management: Marley Aluyi
Technology: Hannah Waddell, Claudia Buchholz
Public Relations: Elizabeth Considine