About Greek Life

What is Greek Life?
Greek Life has a long history at Augustana College, rich with tradition, providing students with valuable opportunities to experience personal growth and development. Leadership, service and academic success are the cornerstones of Augustana's Greek community. There is no doubt that membership in one of Augustana's 12 Greek letter organizations enhances the college experience. Joining a fraternity or sorority not only cultivates life-long friendships through social interaction and a "family" away from home, but also instills high standards and a sense of value to the lives our students lead.
At Augustana College, there are 12 unique, local, social Greek chapters. There are 6 fraternities and 6 sororities. Each of the groups have their own unique perspective, philanthropy, core values, and personality. The best mindset going into Greek Life is to go into Rush with an open mind!
What's going on in the 2023-2024 school year?
Greek Life has many major events occurring during this 2023-2024 school year. Homecoming Week, which involves friendly competitions between Greek and student groups, takes place October 1-7. Pre-Rush, a no stress way to meet each fraternity/sorority, starts on October 28 and runs through November. Rush, the formal entrance process into Greek life, will start in February! More information about our upcoming events can be found here.
The image above represents the sororities and their respective colors. The image to the right represents the fraternities and their respective colors.